
Inaugural Women in Malaria Conference

_1st conference of the Women in Malaria initiative_ **Save the dates: March 22-24, 2021** This will be a remote event

Genomic Epidemiology of Malaria (Virtual Conference)

_8th Genomic Epidemiology of Malaria conference by Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Courses & Scientific Conferences_ **Save the dates: June 07 - 09, 2021**

ANTI-VeC 3rd Annual UK meeting

_Annual meeting of the Network on Application of Novel Transgenic technology & Inherited symbionts to Vector Control_ **Every Thursday from November 19 - December 10, 2020** via Zoom due to COVID-19

Symbiosis in the Anthropocene Era

_10th Congress of the International Society of Symbiosis 3rd International Conference on Holobionts_ **Save the date: July 24-28, 2022**