ANTI-VeC 3rd Annual UK meeting

Annual meeting of the Network on Application of Novel Transgenic technology & Inherited symbionts to Vector Control
Every Thursday from November 19 - December 10, 2020

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Brief overview from the organizers

ANTI-VeC’s 3rd Annual UK meeting will take place this year via Zoom due to COVID-19 restrictions.

ANTI-VeC is a network for novel control strategies of vector-borne diseases, focusing on genetic modification and the use of heritable endosymbionts. The annual meeting is a great way for our members to come together to discuss progress on their research and to create collaborations.

This year’s event will be an opportunity to hear updates and the results of projects that have been awarded via the network’s pump-priming awards.

For more information, please click the button at this top of the page to visit the conference website
Guillaume Minard, PhD
Guillaume Minard, PhD

Molecular microbial ecologist fascinated with the ecology of interspecific interactions, with a focus on the dynamics of microbial communities in arthropod vectors. Deputy director, Microbial Dynamics and Viral Transmission Research Group, University of Lyon, France.

Nsa Dada, PhD
Nsa Dada, PhD

Entomologist and microbial ecologist fascinated with microbial interactions that underpin insect evolutionary responses to changes in their habitats. Founder and Lead, Mosquito Microbiome Consortium